Who Are They, Spiritually Enlightened?

⛅️ Sunshine ⛅️
3 min readMar 1, 2021


Designer: Natasha Sworldlove

A journey to God is a journey to your soul. The human soul has no boundaries. By developing, it becomes higher and wider. The greatest sages, spiritual leaders, prophets and enlightened people of antiquity possessed a huge soul, and their energy was so powerful and pure that people saw a shining halo above their heads and felt their aura from several miles away.

Spiritually enlightened people never stop in their development. Wisdom and self-improvement have no limits. Such people do not live according to the laws created by people. They sail through life, like on a sailing ship, allowing the wind of life to bring them to the next point of their development, enjoying every moment they live, living in the present.

In modern society, being spiritually enlightened can be problematic. Modern education does not teach people to sail with the wind and learn from experience. Schools are full of rules and programs to be followed and memorized. But even despite this, people appear in the world who are drawn to Divine Wisdom and Freedom. Such people are looking for spiritual growth, understanding of things, harmony, meaning of life. They can’t take materialism, sex and power as the essence of living on this planet.

Many people do not understand life and do not notice the miracles that happen to them every day. Busy with an alarm clock, breakfast, work, shopping, stress, they do not see the signs of the Universe, do not pay attention to the synchronicities from which conclusions must be drawn. Life for them seems to be not a school, but hard work, not a place of miracles, but a place for survival. Desires to have, to buy, to control, to deceive, to envy, to judge outweigh the desires to become better, to learn more, to help someone, to create something, and their body does not wake up spiritually. Such people do not experience spiritual awakening and enlightenment, and spiritual people seem crazy to them.

But this does not mean that spiritually enlightened people do not exist. The world is waking up and more and more people are waking up spiritually. They experience mystical experiences, their lives change, they lose what at a certain moment they do not need and receive what no one will take away from them — experiences, understanding, knowledge, feelings, superpowers.

Their lives are filled with happiness and meaning, they see beauty and meaning in everything. The combination of understanding and kindness makes them wise. The combination of happiness and love makes them optimistic. The combination of protection and confidence makes them free. They say what they think, hear what they think they hear, believe what they see and feel, and walk through life as if life was created for them.

Spiritually enlightened ones are a rarity on Earth. Children are born this way but modern life blocks their spiritual development. To become spiritually enlightened again, one must first experience a spiritual awakening, then go through many lessons and eventually become one who knows how to live — a free and wise optimist.



⛅️ Sunshine ⛅️

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