Consciousness vs Awareness

⛅️ Sunshine ⛅️
2 min readMar 9, 2021


Designer: Natasha Sworldlove

If awareness is more related to attention, then consciousness is more about understanding. Awareness observes, consciousness participates.

For example, a person who is in awareness state observes the thoughts that arise in his head. Suddenly situations from his past arise in his memory which cause a feeling of shame. The person begins to participate in this process. Awareness is now replaced by consciousness. This person’s consciousness descends from the observer’s level to the participant’s level. At this point, a person may re-experience shame, remembering other moments in his life when he experienced similar feelings. If he does not solve this problem now, then it will again appear in his head, causing negative emotions. Perhaps even new life situations will arise that cause shame. A person at this moment needs to realize this experience. Not hide it in a closed room of the brain, but accept it into his life as part of his experience on Earth. He must accept this darkness consciously, going through the shame caused by his memories, until this experience stops causing negative emotions, but simply becomes an experience, a situation in a person’s life that he can consciously look at.

Consciousness is when you know and are not afraid of your own thoughts, when you consciously relate to your emotions and feelings, including intuition, and consciously act in any situation.

It is almost impossible to be absolutely conscious. The human brain is too complex and multifaceted. It’s a world of a thousand feelings, an almost continuous stream of thoughts, a complex work of the left and right hemispheres. At night we have dreams, many of which we don’t even remember. We perform many repetitive actions by inertia. If we move some often used thing to another place, then we will look for it several times in the old place. Consciousness is not present in these moments. There is so much unconsciousness in our head for us that becoming conscious can be the goal of our whole life. Or a game that’s interesting to play, studying yourself and your consciousness.



⛅️ Sunshine ⛅️
⛅️ Sunshine ⛅️

Written by ⛅️ Sunshine ⛅️

CMO at Big S Business, a unique step-by-step tool to start your business.

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